Helpful Resources — Bike Walk Montana

Bike Walk Montana |

Bike Walk Montana is a statewide not-for-profit advocacy organization working to make biking and walking safe and accessible for everyone. One of our roles is to be a resource and go-to organization for biking and walking questions; to provide resources to Montana communities and advocates interested in making biking and walking safer. Visit our website to learn more about us and check out our on-line resources for a more robust listing, including bicycle parking guidelines, engineering and design manuals, and more.

AmericaWalks |

America Walks leads a national coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities.

League of American Bicyclists |

The League promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation and work through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America.

National Center for Bicycling and Walking |

The aim of the NCBW's program is to change the way communities are planned, designed and managed to ensure that people of all ages and abilities can walk and bike easily, safely and regularly.

National Complete Streets Coalition |

Smart Growth America is the only national organization dedicated to researching, advocating for and leading coalitions to bring smart growth practices to more communities nationwide.

National Safe Routes to School clearinghouse |

The National Center serves as the information clearinghouse for the federal Safe Routes to School program.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center |

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) is a national clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access, and mobility for pedestrians (including transit users) and bicyclists.

Project for Public Spaces |

Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities

Promoting Active Communities |

Communities can use the online self-assessment to evaluate their built environments, policies, and programs that support active living.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy |

The RTC works to create a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people

Walkable and Livable Communities Institute | walc

The WALC Institute’s mission is to inspire, teach, connect and support communities in their efforts to improve health and well-being through better built environments.


USA Cycling is dedicated to helping all event organizers, CLUBS and TEAMS overcome the hurdles put forth by the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Check out their resources to help manage the risk to participants and spectators at group gatherings.