Here’s a great tool for Montana communities to implement lighter, quicker, and lower-cost complete streets projects.
News & Information
Do you remember THE FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE you felt when you first learned to ride a bicycle, or got to walk to a friend’s house or to school by yourself? We sure do!
Here at Bike Walk Montana, we are dedicating resources to significantly increase our education program to help teach our kids in our Montana communities how to ride bikes safely through a series of BIKE RODEOS and to walk/bike to school safely though our WALKING SCHOOL BUS program. A Bike Walk Montana Goal is to help foster excitement for walking and bicycling independence in a safe, responsible way. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO IT.
Claire was sworn in as an Energy Corps member in October 2019 and is looking forward to serving with Bike Walk Montana throughout her year-long term. Claire graduated from Louisiana State University in May of 2019 with a degree in Biological Sciences. She is returning to Montana three years after having lived here briefly while participating in a “National Student Exchange” program at the University of Montana.
The term “complete streets” refers to the transportation policy and design approach requiring streets to be safe and comfortable for all users, no matter their mode of transportation. The idea dates back to 1971, when the state of Oregon enacted a policy requiring all new or rebuilt roads to accommodate bicycles and pedestrians.
Are you an avid cyclist based in or planning extensive travel through Montana? Here’s a great opportunity for you to volunteer to help make Montana roads safer. From 2019-2022 Adventure Scientists volunteers will cycle 11,000+ miles of Montana’s roads, four times per year, recording all roadkill they encounter as well as detailed environmental observations.